Everyone should know how to contact your snowmobile club. We suggest using this contact page (however, change the name if you wish) to list your ClubHouse, Officers and Primary Club Managers, and any other useful information. Such as repeat schedules, mailing addresses.
Make it look nice though!
While you can technically copy from Microsoft Word or Excel, a table of Officers, it will look like garbage if you dump it into the text editor. We suggest the following
- Click the Kitchen Sink icon in editor to drop down the extra row of choices.
- Select the Clipboard with the W on it, and try pasing in there.
- Add some returns BEFORE and AFTER your new addition
- Save, and view
If it looks funky, it is most likely your formatting in word. Don’t fight it, just delete it. And make sure you delete all the Garbage HTML your Word Program may have copied over. To do this, go into HTML mode of your editor (its kind of scary at first, until you see the patern of of what your text is, and then a bunch of wierd garbage computer jargon, and delete between the nbsp lines 🙂
One trick we lazy pros doe is go into the Visual editor and write “DELETE ME” before and after, just delete whats in between those!
Some tips to make your list look great:
You may have email addresses, but they are not coming up as a link when you type them out in the editor. No worries. In your visual editor, Click the Little Chain Link icon, it will open a dialogue window.
Add a hyperlink for the email address, if youre mailing support@clubhosting.org for example, the link URL or Address that you would type in would be:
If you want to get fancy, you can even add a subject line as part of that, by adding ?subject= to the end of it! For example subject is “Contact about Club from our Website” the link would be:
mailto:support@clubhosting.org?subject=Contact about Club from our Website